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PIREPS - Airfields

Me-Own airstrip campout
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From the Wilderness District Ranger...

USFS will be using Me-Own Administrative area September 14-17 , 2020 and the area will be closed and off limits to the public.

This is the area around the buildings, including the restrooms. The airstrip will not be closed.

Good news! I fixed my tractor. A serious problem with an easy fix. Someone improperly installed a cotter pin, and it fell out, allowing some hydraulic control linkage to separate. A new cotter pin fixed the problem. The old cotter pin was stuck to the drain plug. May get to mow Me-Own in October or sooner.
Chet, Thanks for the PIREP!
My tractor is having some issues with the hydraulic control, so as soon as I can get that fixed, I will hook my mower back up and go mow Me-Own again. Probably not until November.
Jeff G. (trike), Paul D. (trike) and Chet L. (Bearhawk) flew through smoke filled air to Me-Own on Sunday Aug 23, camping and returning Monday morning. The surface of the 3700-foot long strip is in very good condition. The first usable part of RWY 32 (about 800 feet) is still decently mowed. The rest of the strip has not too dense 20-inch high grass. The runway's two tracts are clearly visible from the air and ground taxiing. The restroom is locked. Great time.
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