Reconstruction of Runway 3/21 at Belen Regional Airport is set to begin on October 1, 2020. Runway 3/21 is expected to be closed to all traffic for 60 days. When construction progress reaches the intersection of Runway 13/31, both runways will need to be closed for a short time, hopefully not more than a couple of weeks. The project includes complete removal of the runway, then soil stabilization, subgrade compaction, 4” of asphalt, new LED runway lighting system, relocation of the mid-field wind sock further from the runway, new segmented circle to show the traffic patterns and relocation of the fence off both ends of the runway to remove the fence “obstruction” listed in our 5010 Master Record.
Thank you all for your patience and continued support as we strive to improve Belen Regional Airport. I will continue to send updates as I get more information about the runway closures.
John Thompson, C.M.
Airport Director
Belen Regional Airport
100 South Main Street
Belen, NM 87002