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PIREPS - Airfields

Gila airstrips conditions
Ron Keller

As of 12-23-22

Negrito Airstrip-- per Gila Dispatch (800) 538-1644, there are many ruts in the runway and it may not be landable for most airplanes.

There are plans to meet USFS at Negrito ASAP, WX permitting, to repair the ruts and spread some gravel.

Me-Own Airstrip--also per Gila Dispatch, the grass on the runway is still tall. If conditions permit, a trip to mow it will happen early in 2023. Check this site for updates.

Sacaton Landing Strip-- this new runway is not open yet for general use. The FAA obstruction evaluation is still ongoing, with only Flight Standards remaining to sign off. When the evaluation is complete and a "no objection" determination is received, the Glenwood District Ranger will give the OK for general use. Check this site and NMPA announcements for updates.

The condition at the other airstrips is unknown at this time.

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