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PIREPS - Airfields

Sacaton Landing Strip
Ron Keller

Sacaton is now open. My last visit was December 11th, and there was some minor erosion along the edges in some parts.

There was also a little erosion in the center on the western portion. The area has had some rain and some snow since, so give it a good look prior to landing, and remember it is right traffic for runway 08. Better yet, please review the NMPA safety briefing and/or Airfield Guide. I plan to get down there again as soon as WX permits to have a look. If you land there, please update this PIREP.

Ron Keller

As of 2-2-23 The runway has weathered pretty well, with just the minor erosion previously noted. Some old cattle tracks were on the runway as well. The runway was dry and firm. I mowed the remaining tall wheatgrass that the blades did not remove during rehab. I also ran the drag from the approach end of runway 08 up to the parking area, full width. It smoothed the cattle tracks and minor erosion. I also ran the drag along the runway edges from the parking area all the way to the east end to smooth the minor erosion there. The parking area was also dragged a little. The runway will be dusty until some snow or rain. There are still 3 or 4 dips across the runway when landing runway 08. They are not deep, but you may feel them, so be ready for that. Overall, the runway is in great shape now, pending more snow or rain. Remember that runway 08 is Right traffic, and avoid low overflight of the wilderness area.

Ron Keller

As of 4-16-23 The runway was dragged to smooth some cow tracks and clear cow patties. The cows have been taken out of the area now by the ranch owner. From the approach end of runway 08 up to past the parking area, the runway is pretty smooth and clear of 2"+ rocks. The upper (eastern) 1200' is usable, but still has some shallow cow tracks and occasional 3" rocks. The parking area is good. The wind sock is good and the segmented circle has been painted. The Rain Creek Trail is easy to follow to Rain Creek, an estimated distance of 1.5 miles. At the crossing, Rain Creek was running 15' wide and fast. The trail is narrow and has numerous up and down hill sections, along with loose rocks. I am not an avid hiker, but would consider this trail to be moderately difficult. Take plenty of water, a walking stick, and a personal tracker due to loss of cell signal inside the wilderness. As with many wilderness areas, protection from critters may be prudent.

Ron Keller

As of 7/26/23

I arrived to find the runway surface to be in great shape with no signs of erosion or cattle tracks. However, there were many sunflowers growing on the runway, ranging from 1 foot to 5 feet. I used the drag to knock them all down and out. There were more on the upper end and just a few on the lower end. They were also in the parking/tie-down area, but that was cleared. After dragging, I tossed rocks. There are still some bumps in places, so be ready for those, but I wouldn't hesitate landing my 182 there. The windsock is good, with a large segmented circle indicating right traffic for runway 08.

Ron Keller

As of 9/16/23

Runway 08/26 was in good shape, dry and firm, with some grass growing 1 foot high. No further problem with sunflowers in the runway, and just a few along the edges. Windsock was good.

Jim Gosney

thanks for the updates Ron!

Ron Keller

Toilet installation delayed

Due to crane availability, the new vault toilet installation at Rain Creek Trailhead has been postponed until October 23-24.

But the toilet construction is finished, and the crane operator has confirmed availability for the 24th. So if you want to see a crane lift 2 separate very heavy pieces and precisely place them, fly into Sacaton Landing Strip on early morning of the 24th. Or fly in on the 23rd and camp for the night.

Ron Keller

As of 11/17/23

The new vault toilet has been installed at the trailhead, approx 1/3 mile hike from the airplane parking area.

Mowed runway 08/26 entire length and width. Noting the conditions listed in the safety briefing, the runway is in excellent shape.

Ron Keller

I intended to land on 3-28-24, but there were cows with small calves on the runway, so I just did a fly-by. The runway 08 approach end markers and the segmented circle were still highly visible with white paint. I couldn't tell much about the runway surface, but it looked pretty good from 500' agl.

Ron Keller

4-12-24 The runway survived the winter amazingly well. There was no sign of erosion. The surface was very good. There are a few shallow(1") cattle tracks on the western end, but I drove my pickup up and down about 20 times along the centerline to smooth them some. My truck passed my 60mph test OK. There are more cattle tracks on the upper(east) end and some are 2" deep. But from just east of the parking area down to the bottom end, it's pretty good. There were a few cow patties, but not many along the centerline. There are still cattle grazing in the area until April 30th, so use extreme caution and especially watch out for baby calves.

The wind sock is good. The vault toilet was pretty clean and well stocked.

Ron Keller

Windsock is good. Runway is pretty good, but still has 4 or 5 moderate bumps from approach end of 08 up to the windsock.

The section between the windsock and the crest of the rise is better now. The parking area is pretty good.

Ron Keller

As of 8/7/24

Runway had numerous sunflowers 12 inches to 5 feet high, plus native grass 24 inches high. Mowed entire length and width plus the parking area. There was just some minor erosion near the windsock, but shouldn't be a problem for anyone. The turf coverage is up to about 50%, and the surface seemed pretty smooth. Right after it was mowed, a Cessna 182 from Tucson landed with 2 college guys going camping and fishing. They said it was smooth and nice. Windsock is good. Toilet was clean and well stocked. Cattle grazing period starts August 15th.

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