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Basic Med examination availability
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the AOPA has a good printout to give to regular doctors ahead of time and explains the process. I found it helpful for "rookie" basic med doctors.

I had been thinking about going with Basic Med since my 3rd class was about to expire. I inquired with my primary care Doc and it sounded like he didn't want to do it. Then I found out my AME was no longer an AME. After some searching, I found a Dr. in Ruidoso who does Basic Med exams and is also an AME, Dr. Rath. I was going to schedule and pay the $300. As luck would have it, I also had my annual physical scheduled with my primary care Dr. So I took the form for Basic Med that I had already completed the pilot's sections. To my surprise and relief, he did fill out the physician's sections. So I am set for the next 4 years, but if anyone is looking and can travel to Ruidoso, that is an option. I hope there are more out there who will do Basic Med, but Google searches didn't show it, and Dr. Rath is the only Doc in New Mexico listed on the AOPA Basic Med list. Now I just have to do the online course, and again in 2 years.

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