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PIREPS - Airfields

Me-Own Airstrip
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As of 7-31-24

I mowed the entire length and width of the runway. The windsock is good. The turf coverage is about 90% of the runway surface. The runway is in excellent shape. The vault toilet was clean and well stocked.

As of 5/26/24

I flew to Me-Own (C-182) and landed runway 32. There is scattered vegetation 12"-15" high, but the centerline is mostly clear. The runway surface was pretty smooth and dry. The windsock was good. The parking area in front of the windsock is good. The vault toilet was pretty good. The segmented circle shows up well.

As of 7/31/23

I mowed the runway full length and width. The centerline is very smooth, as good as Negrito. Windsock is good. The vault toilet was clean and well stocked.

As of 7/24/23

I flew to Me-Own to check on conditions. The centerline of the runway is not too bad, but outside of that, the weeds are getting to be about 2' high, scattered to moderate. The far SE 500'(past the windsock) is really thick with 2' high weeds. Windsock is great.

I plan to mow the runway in late July/early August. 10am departure, DA was about 11000 feet with 85° F.

Volunteers just completed a work party. We replaced the windsock, finished painting the segmented circle, and installed a runway advisory sign to discourage vehicle traffic from driving or camping on the runway. The runway is in excellent condition at this time.

Full length and width was mowed on 3-11-23. Also the parking area in front of the windsock.

Runway was moist, but firm, and pretty smooth. Some small trees on the east side of the runway have been burned, but only for a limited distance to the east. The larger area has a mix of completely burned ponderosa and untouched ponderosa, still plenty of green and still a beautiful place. The windsock is hanging on by only one grommet, so it may disappear soon.

The closure order has been terminated for the airstrip, but was re-posted for the access road, FR 150 due to washouts. It may be lifted 9-2-22. The runway condition is unknown, but the area had a large wildfire earlier. It appears from photos and reports that the runway survived fine, but the height of any grass is unknown.

After the Black Fire, 2nd largest in NM history, the TFR has now been cancelled. However, the FOREST CLOSURE order is still in effect which prohibits being on the ground within the closure area that includes Me-Own Airstrip. So, until the closure order is rescinded, Do Not Land at Me-Own Airstrip. Flyovers are OK provided the TFR stays cancelled. This has been confirmed with the District Ranger, Henry Provencio. The closure order can be viewed on the Gila National Forest website.

Full length and width, along with parking area was mowed on 8-29-21. Runway was in excellent shape. Windsock good, but segmented circle hard to see due to tall grass. We are now in hunting season, so be sure to remain West of the runway, and make right traffic for runway 14. Vault toilet was clean and stocked.

7-31-21 Runway is in good shape, but has 15" high wheatgrass and assorted vegetation. Narrow centerline is the most clear portion. Windsock good and segmented circle really shows up well. The entire Gila area is very green at this time.

May 2, 2021--After work party, trees cleared from within 15' of mowed edges of runway. Runway grass still low, and runway surface fairly smooth. Right traffic arm for runway 14 painted white. Remaining segmented circle and left traffic arm for runway 32 will be painted later. Windsock OK. Vault toilet open and not bad. Verizon cell service very spotty in front of windsock, but has 2 bars and 4G at approach end of runway 14.

November 5, 2020--mowed runway entire length and width. Windsock good. Vault toilet has been reopened.

November 2, 2020--overflew the runway at 500 feet. Runway looks clear and dry.

I mowed Me-Own runway yesterday, 3-25-20. Got the full length and width. Picked up some large rocks. Also mowed tie-down areas in front of the windsock. Vault toilet is posted and locked until further notice. Me-Own is actually the trail head for Grand Enchantment Trail heading East. Runway is dry and fairly smooth. A few very shallow longitudinal ruts around mid-field. Discovered that cell service has improved.
With Verizon, standing in front of the windsock, was able to make 2 phone calls, send a text, and get email. Maybe not a good thing...
As of this posting, Me-Own Airstrip remains open, as it should.
I flew to Me-Own on 3-22-20 to see if the runway still needs to be mowed. It does. The runway looked dry, so I landed on runway 14. It seemed a little soft, but not muddy at all. The center 10' is mostly clear of grass, but outside of that, it is 18-24" tall. The windsock looks good. No snow except for mountain peaks. USFS will be locking the vault toilet effective 3-25-20 for COVID-19 protocol. Hopefully, the airstrip will remain open. 
On 11-5-19 I overflew Me-Own Airstrip to check on condition. The center 20 feet of runway appears OK with taller grass along edges. On my second pass I was able to locate the windsock and it appeared to be bright orange. I flew both passes on the West side of the runway in case any deer hunters were in the canyon on the East side of the runway, though I did not observe any activity in the area.
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